Elms to Go

Resources and support for conducting environmental and science education in St. Mary's County Public Schools. Bring the wonder of The Elms to your classroom. 

Watershed Models

Objective: Students will model and describe the impacts of impervious and pervious land surfaces on:

Description: Students in 4-6 small groups use interactive watershed models to simulate runoff amounts, pollutants, and water quality in 3 land-use scenarios:

Availability: December - February (some flexibility)

Grades: K - 12 (Priority to HS)

Duration: 45 - 90 minutes

Sequence: no prerequsite


Permeability Testing of School Grounds

Objective: Students will test and compare the permeability of various land surfaces on their school grounds, infer their impact on water quality, and investigate careers requiring and uses of permeability tests.

Description: Students in 4-6 small groups conduct tests of various land use surfaces on their school grounds.

Availability: December - February (some flexibility)

Grades: 6 - 12 (Priority to HS)

Duration: 45 - 90 minutes

Sequence: follows Watershed Model Lab


- can be accessed with iPads  for completion in the field

 - can be projected and completed together in the classroom

High School Albedo/Land Use

In this lesson students measure the albedo of various land use surfaces with a pyranometer and measure surface temperature with an infrared thermometer. Combined with the land use maps and associated database for each High School students can calculate the relative "reflectance" of various parts of their school grounds. The connections to heat islands and global climate change can be explored.

There are two main variations: 1) Using the NASA Globe Surface Temperature protocols, contributing to the Globe citizen science project, and 2) Analyzing land use choices on your school grounds. The NASA protocols take multiple class periods and are, perhaps, best undertaken by more focused classes. The land use analysis can be completed in two, or less, class periods -- one to collect data and further time to reflect on and discuss the results.


All resources can be found in this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aDAAxG71HxfQooTVHeZvemwjLI6xRQWq?usp=drive_link 

Land use map resources can be found here: Field Studies (K - 12) 

Examples of previous "Elms To Go" programs:

Contact The Elms to learn how we can help enhance learning at your school site by providing equipment, resources, volunteer support, or creating connections with other local organizations.