Elms Environmental Center
The home of outdoor environmental science for St. Mary's County Public Schools.
What is Your Connection to Nature?
Connections to Nature: Looking Inside, Going Outside
The 2025 Ocean Awareness Contest invites students aged 11-18 to share their relationship with the natural world through art, writing, performance, film, or multimedia. Winners may be awarded up to $1,000. Submissions are due on June 9, 2025.
Maryland Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education (MAEOE)
MAEOE is accepting applications for the following grants:
Student Action Project: Funds support projects that exemplify student voice and involve a classroom, green team, or youth organization. (Up to $2000 depending on the number of applications recieved.)
Transportation: Funds are available to support transportation to and from environmentally focused field experiences or other relevant events. (Up to $1000 depending on the number of applications recieved.)
Green Team Leader Stipend: Funding to support teachers who lead a Green Team or school club at their school. ($250)
Professional Development: Funds are awarded to organizations that offer training opportunities for educators in Maryland. (Up to $2500 depending on the number of applications recieved.)
MAEOE is also offering one on one support via Grants Application Office Hours from November 5 through December 20.
More information can be found on MAEOE's funding opportunities webpage.
The Value of Outdoor Environmental Education Programs for Girls and Youth of Color: Cultivating Positive Dispositions toward Science and the Environment, 16 September, 2024.
"Findings showed not only that Outdoor Environmental Education experiences can support positive dispositions toward science and the environment, but also that these outcomes are particularly pronounced for youth of color and girls."
Test and Improve your SOMD Bird, Frog, and Tree ID Skills
with a Fun Online Game!
from the ACLT website.
Field Studies, Elms to Go, MD Green Schools, FAQs
Free native plants are available for community based projects and for sale to the general public.
There are many ways to be a part of the excitement at The Elms.
New events are added regularly.
Student work, animals of the Elms, cool links...
"The Elms" is the home of outdoor environmental science for St. Mary's County Public Schools.